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Sustainability Webinar | Policy Coherence for Sustainability: Taking Stake of State-of-the-Art

16 Jun 2021, 14:00

Sustainability, Finance, New Sustainable Finance Regulations In the EU
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Welcome from the Chair

5th Sustainability Webinar

Policy Coherence for Sustainability: Taking Stake of State-of-the-Art

Sustainability, especially its environmental component, has been the guiding force behind the powerful changes happening in EU business law: from sustainable corporate governance initiative, to the renewed EU corporate sustainability reporting as a welcome step away from the initial non-financial reporting, and the renewed sustainable finance taxonomy. As the quest for policy coherence for sustainability has been largely focused on the corporate world, leading as compared to the changes in public procurement and higher education, the present webinar will focus on the changes in EU policy making in the field of business law, opening the door for fruitful discussions and nuanced views on the pending policy and legislative changes. Accompanying the special issue of the Sustainability Journal "(In)Corporate Sustainability: A Systemic Shift towards Sustainability" the webinar explores the most vivid field of policy coherence for sustainability in the EU context, providing a global forum for discussion and allowing for constructive debate on the current issues in the field of corporate sustainability.

The webinar includes presentation from four scholars which are active in the field of corporate sustainability, providing timely insight into the challenges and solutions for sustainable corporate conduct and broader EU policy coherence for sustainability, providing a great starting point for further contribution to the “(In)Corporate Sustainability: A Systemic Shift towards Sustainability” issue.

I am hereby inviting you to participate in the webinar as audience and raise new questions on the topic, to allow us to deepen our contribution on the pertinent topic of corporate sustainability to allow for proactive scholarly work on the topic that will allow for a forward-looking policy making based on sound scientific comments.

Date: 16 June 2021

Time: 2:00 pm CEST | 8:00am EDT | 8:00pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 882 7779 7588

Webinar Secretariat:


Planetary Wellbeing Institutional Framework, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain,
Associate Professor of Sustainability in Business Law, ESCI-UPF, Barcelona, Spain

Dr. Lela Mélon, a former Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, has a legal and economics background. Currently the Executive Director of the Planetary Wellbeing Institutional Framework at the Pompeu Fabra University and professor of Sustainability in Business Law at ESCI-UPF, she is specialized in EU law, with a main focus on corporate law and sustainability, on which she published the book Shareholder Primacy and Global Business (Routledge 2018). She is currently researching policy coherence for sustainability at the EU level, focusing on corporate law policies as well as the issue of strategic use of public procurement and the sustainable transition of higher education. Besides being active in the academic field, she created and implemented a three-step systemic approach towards sustainability, which entailed the insertion of separate sustainable corporate law course in academic curricula and a simultaneous sustainable revision of the existing and well established academic curricula in economics and law. Lela Mélon is the guest editor of the special issue "(In)Corporate Sustainability: A Systemic Shift towards Sustainability" of the journal “Sustainability.”

Invited Speakers

University of Kopenhagen, Denmark

Alexandra Andhov is an Associate Professor in Corporate Law and Law and Technology at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. Alexandra’s research focuses on questions of corporate law, corporate governance, capital markets, law and technology from an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective. Her main research interest lies in the integration of legal, economic, and technological analysis, with particular emphasis on more sustainable, inclusive democratic, and fair markets.

University of Warsaw, Poland

Anne-Marie Weber-Elżanowska, Ph.D., LL.M. (Berkeley) is an Assistant Professor and member of the Research Team for Environmental Law and Biodiversity Protection at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. Currently, she is a Visiting Scholar at Berkeley School of Law (University of California). As Associated Researcher she cooperates with the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg and the European Banking Institute in Frankfurt. She specializes in financial market regulation and company law and focuses her research on investigating how legal systems should cope with transformative changes within society, in particular sustainability-driven challenges.

Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland,
Omya International AG, Switzerland

Ernest BARCELO is Industrial Engineer from UPC (Spain) and holds a Master from the same University and the EFQM. IESE PDD Business Management Graduate, is also following a PhD program in Chemical Engineering from Aalto University (Finland) and was teaching Integrated Management Systems on the Quality Management Master program UPC (Spain) from 2001 to 2012. He started in Omya in 1997 as Director of Quality Management and Environment at Omya Clariana (Spain) and now holds the position of Vice-President Sustainability for Omya group (Switzerland). With Calcium Carbonate uses in multiple applications, Ernest is member of various industry associations. He is an active member in the Calcium Carbonate Association Europe (CCA-Europe), is chairing the Environment working group at Industrial Minerals (IMA-Europe) and also representing IMA on the EU Technical Advisory Group (TCA-RM) Study supporting the elaboration of guidelines for best risk management approaches in the extractive sector.

University of Marburg, Germany,
University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

Dr. Anne-Christin Mittwoch is Associate Professor at the faculty of Law, University of Marburg and Visiting Professor at the faculty of Law, Economics and Business, University Halle-Wittenberg. She is author of the monograph ‘Vollharmonisierung und Europäisches Privatrecht’ (‘Full harmonization and European Private Law’), which was awarded the doctoral thesis award of the Society of European Private Law in 2013. She is also author of the monograph ‘Nachhaltigkeit und Unternehmensrecht’ (‘Sustainability and Corporate Law’) which will be published in 2021.

Queen Mary University of London, UK

Katrien Morbee is a Lecturer in Banking and Finance Law at Queen Mary University of London, where she teaches 'Sustainability and the Corporation'. She wrote a PhD at the University of Oxford on the use of governance regulation in the financial sector. Katrien holds an LLB and LLM from Ghent University, Belgium, and an LLM from Yale University, United States.



Time in CEST

Dr. Lela Mélon

Chair Introduction

2:00 - 2:05 pm

Dr. Alexandra Andhov

Which Comes First: Sustainable Finance or Sustainable Corporate Governance?

2:05 - 2:25 pm

Dr. Anne-Marie Weber-Elżanowska

Are Companies Immune to Societal Value Transformation? Challenging the Disciplinary Blinders in Company Law Scholarship

2:25 - 2:45 pm

Mr. Ernest Barcelo

From Science to Business Through Regulatory Affairs: Omya’s View of the New EU Regulations

2:45 - 3:05 pm

Dr. Anne-Christin Mittwoch

The EU Sustainable Corporate Governance Initiative - Some Comments on Upcoming Regulatory Issues in Company Law

3:05 - 3:25 pm

Dr. Katrien Morbee

New Sustainable Finance Regulations in the EU: A Critical Overview

3:25 - 3:45 pm

Q&A Session

3:45 - 4:05 pm

Closing of Webinar
Dr. Lela Mélon

4:05 - 4:10 pm

Webinar Content

On Wednesday 16 June 2021, MDPI and the Journal Sustainability organized the 5th webinar entitled " Policy Coherence for Sustainability: Taking Stake of State-of-the-Art".

The introduction was held by the Chair of the webinar, Dr. Lela Mélon, Executive Director of the Planetary Wellbeing Institutional Framework at the Pompeu Fabra University and professor of Sustainability in Business Law at ESCI-UPF.

The first speaker to quick off this webinar was Dr. Alexandra Andhov, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Her presentation was entitled " Which Comes First: Sustainable Finance or Sustainable Corporate Governance?". Dr. Andhov‘s main research interest lies in the integration of legal, economic, and technological analysis, with particular emphasis on more sustainable, inclusive democratic, and fair markets.

The second presentation with the title "Are Companies Immune to Societal Value Transformation? Challenging the Disciplinary Blinders in Company Law Scholarship" was held by Dr. Anne-Marie Weber-Elżanowska, University of Warsaw, Poland. She specializes in financial market regulation and company law and focuses her research on investigating how legal systems should cope with transformative changes within society, in particular sustainability-driven challenges.

Mr. Ernest Barcelo from the Omya International AG, Switzerland was the third speaker and his presentation was entitled "From Science to Business Through Regulatory Affairs: Omya’s View of the New EU Regulations". Mr. Barcelo is an Industrial Engineer from UPC (Spain), and brought a more practical approach to Policy Coherence.

The fourth presentation, entitled "The EU Sustainable Corporate Governance Initiative - Some Comments on Upcoming Regulatory Issues in Company Law" was held by Dr. Anne-Christin Mittwoch. She is Associate Professor at the faculty of Law, University of Marburg and Visiting Professor at the faculty of Law, Economics and Business, University Halle-Wittenberg.

Dr. Katrien Morbee from Queen Mary University of London, UK was the final presenter to close the webinar. Her presentation was entitled “New Sustainable Finance Regulations in the EU: A Critical Overview”. Her specialisation lies in the use of governance regulation in the financial sector.

The presentations were followed by a Q&A and a discussion, moderated by the Chair. The webinar was offered via Zoom and required registration to attend. The full recording can be found here on Sciforum website. In order to stay updated on the next webinars on Cells, be sure to sign up for our newsletter by clicking on “Subscribe” at the top of the page.

Relevant SI

(In)Corporate Sustainability: A Systemic Shift towards Sustainability
Guest Editors: Dr. Lela Mélon, Prof. Roberto Caranta, Dr. Carlos Ignacio Gómez Ligüerre
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 August 2021

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